Business and Life Coaches

Empower your clients to shift their

mindset with our money mindset and

self-worth affirmation cards.

Finding the right tools to empower your clients is so important to the growth of your business and theirs.

 What you’re experiencing now:

  • clients who doubt their own work
  • clients who doubt their own power
  • clients who doubt their own ability to make the money they deserve
  • clients who know the advice you are giving them is true but have a hard time believing it themselves
  • clients who feel charged during your scheduled calls but then let self-doubt creep back in during the days or weeks until your next call

What if you could find the perfect client gift that gives your clients the tools they needed to create a growth mindset?

What if you could show your clients they should believe in themselves as much as you believe in them?

What if you could provide your clients with a simple yet effective way to keep their mindset positive as they grow their business.

What if you could show your clients they have the ability to take control of their thoughts and mindset?

In a world where bigger is better we forget that a small, thoughtful, affordable gift can leave a lasting impression.

What sets Abundant Affirmations and our Money Mindset / Self Worth Affirmation Cards apart is they aren’t just a pretty gift; they are a gift that gives your clients a tool to strengthen their mindset, daily.

Our affirmation cards give your clients a daily reminder that they are worthy. It reminds them that you, their coach, think they are worthy and enough.

There are long-term positive effects to sending your clients gifts during your time working together:

  • It shows them you understand the magnitude of their investment in your coaching
  • It shows them they are more than just a line on your monthly income report
  • It shows them you believe in them
  • It shows them you thinking about them more than just during your scheduled coaching calls

Sending your client a practical and beautiful gift that is meant to be used daily to shift their mindset shows your clients you want them to take charge of their life and business.

It is the personal touches that will set you apart from other coaches and is a sure fire way for your client to continue on coaching with you and recommend you to their friends and fellow business owners.

Our affirmation cards are the perfect client gifts, send as a welcome gift, when they reach a specific milestone, or as an end of year gift. 

My business coach gifted the Money Mindset cards in the first year of my business and they were transformational in helping me shift money blocks around revenue, pricing, and owning my space in the world as a CEO.  As a financial coach, I couldn’t think of a better gift to share with my clients.  I predominantly work with women around creating new possibilities with money.  These affirmations cards have been instrumental in helping my clients shift their feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and overwhelm. I’ll often which affirmations they’ve found to be useful between our coaching sessions or I’ll ask clients to spend some time journaling about at least one affirmation a day.  Helping my clients focus on beliefs that serve them then allows them to see both tangible and intangible results in my work with them.  


Wealth Over Now

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Card Features & Details

  • 20 cards with thought provoking and motivating affirmations printed on them, the perfect way for your clients to start their day
  • 3 inches by 3 inches, the perfect size for your clients to keep on their desk but also small enough to use on the go!
  • Full color on the front,
  • Sturdy and abundant cardstock to allow for daily use so they can take it with them on the go!
  • Arrives packaged ready to make it super easy for you to gift!

+ Which set should I order for my clients?

You can mix and match between our money-mindset and self-worth sets!

If you want to empower your team members to focus on shifting their mindset about money and being worthy of making money I suggest our money mindset deck.

If you want to empower your team members to focus on squashing those feelings of self-doubt and not being “good enough” I suggest our self-worth deck.

You can also do a mix and match so you have both sets. Bulk orders require ordering 10 sets or more. That could mean 5 of each set, or any combination you can think of!


+ What is the cost?

Our cards retail for $18 per set, but with a bulk order you pay only $10 per set.

Bulk orders require ordering 10 sets or more. That could mean 10 of our self-worth set or 10 money mindset set. You could also do 5 of each set, or any combination you can think of!

0-50 sets $10 per set

51-100 sets $9 per set

100+ let’s chat!

Benefits to Using Affirmations

  • Change negative thought patterns into positive thought patterns.

  • Help you achieve your goals.

  • Help you release negativity, fear, worry, and anxiety.

  • Help you rewire your brain and access new beliefs.

  • Influence your subconscious mind to shift your way of thinking and break past thought patterns.