We believe in you. YOU SHOULD TOO!
We believe you are worthy of success, happiness, wealth, and abundance.
We want you to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.
Our Ethos
Words have power.
What we think is more important that what we know.
We don’t need to know every detail about a subject to be ready, we need to believe that we can be and are successful.
We fight that inner voice that tells us we are not good enough.
We have the power to change the way we think about ourselves, challenging the unkind voice inside of us.
We choose to change the way we view our circumstances.
We have the ability to shift the way we think about money.
We believe and know we are worthy, JUST AS WE ARE!

Hey! My name is Jen.
Creator of Abundant Affirmations. I believe in you.
My goal is to help you believe in you, too.
My Story
I can’t exactly pin-point when it happened, but for as long as I can remember I’ve always thought I wasn’t good enough. If I did well in class, got the highest grade, or was chosen for a leadership role I always told myself there was someone who did it better. I always looked at how I could have done something better instead of focusing on what I had done well. #classicPerfectionist #classicEnneagramOne This continued on into my corporate career and my entrepreneurial journey.
In early 2017 I was working with a coach who I had known for many years and trusted. I thought I’d dive into figuring out a lot of business stuff, but really what happened is Jodi helped me unearth emotions and mindset struggles that had been in place from a very young age.
I had to be honest and vulnerable with myself and look at my own thoughts. ⠀⠀
This was the first time I realized just how negative my inner voice was. Even though many people would describe me a positive, outgoing person I was struggling inside. I was never good enough. I was only able to see my flaws. ⠀⠀⠀
I knew I needed to have a daily reminder of positive words and thoughts. Affirmation cards to work through my tendency to view money and myself from a place of scarcity and unworthiness.
In early spring of 2017 I set out to find a set of affirmation cards. I quickly realized what I was looking for did not exist.
I thought about making the affirmation cards I needed but I IMMEDIATELY dismissed the idea. Self-doubt crept in like a bandit and I told myself NO! Those thoughts of unworthiness took over.
I spent the rest of 2017 trying to forget about the idea, but the thoughts never went away. I finally realized in December that I had to push past the doubt and create the cards I so desperately needed. I knew if I needed them there had to be thousands of other women who needed them as well.
When I receive messages and testimonials like the one below from Nichole I know I was meant to use my struggle to help others.
I’m so grateful for my Abundant Affirmation cards! They really couldn’t have come at a better time. I was trying to dig myself out of a huge mental and emotional rut, but felt so cheesy reciting some of the affirmations around the internet or in some self help books. They just didn’t seem to sync with my reality, so I had a hard time being consistent with even trying them.
Enter Jen’s cards. I’ve had them out in my living room and office every day since the sets arrive. It makes it fun and easy to pick a card and read it aloud. I really look forward to seeing which one I’ll get each day. And they’ve really helped me step into a more positive money mindset and mindset generally. I love them so much that I’ve bought sets for all of my friends. I think every woman deserves these affirmations/reminders in her life!