There is no wrong way to use affirmation cards, as long as you use them!

I was recently chatting with a friend on her podcast, you can listen here, or search for episode 31 of Squad Life Podcast where ever you listen to podcasts, and she asked if there was a right way to use affirmations, and my simple is answer is no! There are probably a million ways to use them, but no wrong way, just as long as you use them! 😉

Here are a three ways I use our money mindset and self-worth affirmation cards.

1. I keep sets next to my coffee maker and look at them every morning as I pop in my nespresso pod and smell the sweet goodness of coffee. Sometimes I look through each of the 20 cards of both decks and decide which one I want to focus on for the day, other times as I am looking through the decks one of the cards jumps out at me as one I need to focus on. Sometimes I read each affirmation out loud, sometimes I read them in my head.

2. I keep all 6 of our affirmation card sets on my desk in my office and when I am working on a project/task/email, really anything and start to have a twinge of self-doubt I look for a cards that helps squash that self-doubt!

3. I also find them to be incredibly helpful when I am feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed in motherhood, my to-do list, growing my company, all of it, the affirmations help calm my anxiety and remind me I can tackle it all!

There are plenty of other ways to use our affirmation cards. One of the ways many of our customers use the cards is they shuffle them up like a deck of playing cards and then they pull one out of the deck and that is the affirmation they focus on for they day. They often write it down, journal about it, or keep it with them throughout the day as reminder.

Here are three more tips on using affirmation cards:

1. Affirmations are more powerful if you said them at least three times, out loud. It might feel silly, but you are training you brain to hear and believe what you are saying. There is power is declaring the affirmation out loud!

2. Keep them in a place or places you will see them. Out of sight, out of mind. Keep them by your coffee maker, on your fridge, taped to the mirror in your bathroom, on your desk at work, in your car, in your purse, on your night stand.

3. If you read an affirmation and don’t believe it to be true for yourself ask yourself why. Ask yourself why you don’t believe you are worthy of success. It 100% will feel hard but working through those feelings and emotions is exactly how you change your mindset!

how to use affirmation cards


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