Early last year I made a digital vision board for 2019 and made it my computer desktop background.

Here is the thing, if I would have just let the vision board sit in my files I would have missed out on making so many of the things on my board a reality.


Because every time I looked at my computer I was reminded of what I was woking on a going after in 2019

Last week I updated my vision board for 2020 and immediately updated my computer background.

vision board

Here are a few tips I have for creating your own digital vision board.

  1. I used pixelmator, which is a paid program I use to make graphics and edit photos. You could also use Canva or PicMonkey.
  2. Make a list of the goals and dreams you have for 2020. My vision board is a mix of personal and business goals and dreams. Travel dreams for the year, a few quotes to encourage me, my financial goal for my business, learning to play the piano, learning how to use procreate, and a few other goals.
  3. Head over to pinterest or unsplash.com to find an image that represents your goals.
  4. Don’t get caught up in your images being a perfect match for your goal or dream. As long as you know what image is going to represent you are good!
  5. If you don’t use your computer a ton but find yourself on your phone or your ipad a lot make the image the right size so you can make it the background on those devices.
  6. If you want to hear more about what came to fruition on my 2019 vision board? You can head over to Facebook and watch this FB Live I recently did.

If you missed the post, you can see my 3 major goals for 2020 here.

Tips for Creating a Digital Vision Board


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