I have a confession.

Sometimes I hate writing emails or the copy that goes with a social media post.

I bet some business class 101 tells you not to share that secret.

But it’s true. Sometimes it feels hard to find the right words because mindset isn’t something you work on for a few months and then conquer. Your mindset is an ongoing journey.

Somedays I feel fully equip to share about shifting your mindset and encouraging others.

Somedays it feels like my mindset was thrown into a dumpster fire. Those are the days I’ve got my head down working on my own mindset.

Those are the days I am trying to figure out how to push past the negative thoughts, the money scarcity, and not good enough thoughts. {legit, I always have our money mindset and self-worth set with me. I have both sets on my desk, by our coffee maker and in my purse!}

Those are the days I have to make sure I dive into my affirmation cards and declare war on my thoughts.

I have to read my affirmation cards out loud.

mindset affirmation

As uncomfortable as it might be those are the days I have to make bold proclamations about myself. {here are a few tips about how to use affirmation cards}

“I am not made to give up.”

“I am worthy of making money.”

It’s when the breakthroughs happen that I feel ready to share and sometimes those breakthroughs take a LONG TIME!

Sometimes I see other business owners sharing their products that don’t require them to share their deep feelings and emotions and I want that too.

I know that I can post a ton of photos with the cards styled in a way that catches your eye, but if I don’t get you to understand the value and worth of the cards and how life changing they can be for you the photo is worthless.

But at the end of the day I know my purpose is to share the hard stuff. To tell my story and empower others to lean into their story and also lean into the truth, the truth that they are worthy and enough.

And if that business class curriculum does baulk at the idea of being honest about running a business I say screw it, because at the end of the day I have nothing if I don’t have the courage to be honest.


10 Days of Abundant Affirmations

10 days to a new mindset!

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